The call to action is the final part of any marketing content, and in free translation, it means “call to action,” that is, seeking to finish the content by calling the user to an action that brings him closer to the law firm.
In several communication channels, you will not be able to mention your contact data. It is common to feel that we are delivering relevant information at this moment. Still, we are not reaping the rewards of the investment – customer contact.
To increase the chances of success from your content, you can finish them by inviting the reader to consume more information about the matter, adding links to e-books, blogs, landing pages, videos, or any form of registration to deliver more information in exchange for relationship (capturing email mainly).
Email is still a way to get in touch with clients. Email marketing, when used in a personalized way and targeted to the right audience, can still be very effective in the digital marketing strategy for lawyers. But remember, you are only allowed to send emails to clients who have authorized your office to contact you. Otherwise, you will be breaking the OAB code of ethics.
Where To Publish My Contents?
When thinking about digital marketing for lawyers using firms like Grow Law Firm, it’s essential to remember that the result comes primarily from consistency and time. And, when we talk about the channels in which you can publish your content, we recommend that you structure an experience flow designed for your target audience. That also makes it possible to strengthen your digital authority. Therefore, we advise:
The investment that statistically delivers the best results is the first page of Google, and for you to compete among the thousands of sites, the “Mother” content must be initially published on the blog of your legal website, allowing the google robot to find him and account for his authority in the matter.
Develop a compact version from your mother’s content, separating parts of the story that will arouse curiosity to read the content and disseminate these calls on the law firm’s social networks. Tip: Look at titles and opening paragraphs in journalistic texts and publications.
When defining the media that you will use to communicate with your target audience, it is time to publish the compact version exploring the triggers that will lead you to obtain more information on the subject, according to your strategy based on the possibilities mentioned above, among them: e-book, blog, landing page, etc.
Channels such as Whatsapp and email are only recommended if you already have frequent communication with the customer, avoiding possible punishment for understanding direct mail.
It is essential to keep in mind that advertising on as many channels as possible (although many of them are presented as free) will not increase your chances of obtaining results with the actions and, depending on your target audience, may damage your image by transmitting a feeling of “desperation” and low engagement that results from publishing in inappropriate media.