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Personal Injury


Being injured in an accident not only adds to your emotional, physical, and financial stress but also to your loved ones. Irrespective of whether you have been a victim of a highly avoidable accident, it is crucial that you are aware of how Personal Injury Lawyers Halifax can help you. It is always best to be prepared for the situation, and a little extra knowledge always comes in handy. Here is all that you need to know about personal injury lawyers.

What kind of accidents are included in personal injury law?

When you have been in an accident, your life can turn upside down. You need experienced, dedicated, and passionate lawyers who will fight for your right in such a situation. Personal injury lawyers also represent families in fatality cases, class actions, and medical negligence. The types of accidents covered by the law include auto accidents like drunk or impaired driving, truck accidents, defective premises, ATV accidents, boating accidents, construction site accidents, slip and fall injuries, airline accident class action, explosions, fire, foster care abuse, sexual harassment, hospital negligence, and mild and traumatic brain injuries.

Initial Intake

During the initial intake, the lawyer will hear you out and the specifics of the case. They will help you to determine how to go about it. Personal injury law is complex. Specific legislations are depending on the specifics of the accident. The rules for accidents on land and water differ. When you have an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer by your side, they will inform you of all the deadlines that you need to abide by in order to file a claim. Once you have hired the lawyer, they will notify your insurance company and the insurance company of the opposing party of the same. They will be taking care of all the coordination with them, and your lawyers would be the ones communicating with them.

Starting of the court process

As the expiry date of the limitation period comes close, a Notice of Action and Statement of Claim is filed by the lawyer on behalf of the client. These documents give notice to the other party that you would be using them. These documents also include the reason behind why you are using them and what you are using them for. After the Notice of Action and Statement of Claim has been filed, the opposing party will have 15 to 45 days to file a notice of Defence and Statement of Defence.

Hire an Experienced Lawyer

No two personal injury cases are the same. When you have an experienced lawyer by your side, you can be assured that they will fight till the very end to help you get what you deserve. They will work hard to ensure that the settlement process goes through to not go to trial. Even if the case goes to trial, they will be there by your side, fighting for your right and help you to get what you truly deserve.

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